Fate. It is a mixture of good and bad. Felicity and tribulation. Allah has written it for us and regardless of how many tests and punishments we are supposed to go through, we would be reminded each time, how we have had no control in deciding these events and situations for ourselves. Maybe this is Allah's way of a natural reminder to say not to undervalue or underestimate the good times in our lives and be grateful.

We might come out of these hard trials, emerging as a brighter and shinier image of our former selves but there are no guarantees. In fact in the face of divinity, it is ignorant of us to think that anybody has the ability to guarantee what is to come.

The one thing that has been guaranteed is by Allah himself and that the fate decided for a person will be fulfilled and any tests due will be conducted. We, as insignificant as we are in our capacity, should remember not to undermine the ability, power and plan of the all knowing.

For the sake of our families we should strive to be grateful, kind, patient and honest. Always!

Sibling Rivalry

Wed 22 December 2021 Tags siblings rivalry life writing people

What is Sibling Rivalry? A misnomer in my opinion. It is anything BUT rivalry. It's a natural way of progression and evolution. We may not get it and we may not like it. However, it is THE organic way in a safe silo where we can find ourselves as the …

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