As we navigate via this swerving path called life we grow into the person we become by our experiences and observations. Both of these come from the connections that we make over time.

Unfortunately, not all of these observations are pleasant. Anybody with a pinch of inquisitiveness would wonder why? Why do these feelings, reactions, or even call it stereotypes exist. The thing that I will mention is a dominant and a common trait in today's society. It is not some unique problem that exists in a specific person, e.g: yourself. Maybe some of you have noticed observe this pity worthy act as well.

Through out my life I've had the pleasure of experiencing different personalities, via acquaintances, friends, family ad even foes. One of the reasons, I believe, that I've been the sort of person who doesn't get bored easily, is my limitless interest in observation and then interpretation followed by validation.

I noticed that so many unfortunate souls are not living their own lives. Instead, they are living projections without realising. Some have even settled with the idea that this is the norm. Some way, whichever way, the society has framed them, and they have complied. Less worried about whether the framing is correct, subconscious moulding of self to fit this imposed frame, is some pre-historic natural characteristic of us human beings. The roots of this property... unknown. Is it good or is it bad? Who knows. Debatable? For sure.

A lot of intelligent and sober people I see are chasing trends,copying personas or even subconsciously adopting the misunderstood personalities imposed upon them by the society. The revocation of this Allah's given power and right of finding yourself and making yourself is truly pitiful. Imagine the limitless possibilities yet this sad society wants to wear that TAG Heur watch because that X famous celebrity posed with it in the brand's new Ad campaign. This is common enough.

Another facet is where somebody's misunderstood demeanour compels them to meet the expectations. It is subconscious. A perfectly astute child, may regress, simply because they are perceived to be dumb or ignorant or some other negative label that our society is a fan of assigning. Of course, I lacked this understanding as I was growing up. Well, I lacked the patience or interest in understanding this. But if anything, this sort of a situation only demonstrates the ignorance of the society instead of the person being judged. A few times, very few, I've seen it work the other way around; somebody who had already regressed responded to the positive expectation communicated to them by their friends, family, trainers etc. So positive effects all in all.

Our kids cannot be expected to understand this. The thinking may not have matured to the point of grasping the essence of this problem. But us adults, who are responsible for the driving direction of the global populous, trends and thought, need to facilitate this reorientation of mindset where by our following generations understand that external perception cannot define a person and neither should it be allowed to. Sure, an organic change in mindset cannot be expected overnight and therefore the best advice that I can offer is to teach our children to ignore these personalities, shun them and do not even register this act of damaging compliance. Focus on their interests without paying attention to societal torques.

So many people are victims of this marred reflection. Reflection of various images by society via marketing or misperception. How many unique and individual personalities have we lost to this detestable societal trait. Are we going to break out of it, wake up and fix that mirror?