Blind Faith

Mon 27 June 2022 Tags faith prayers effect life

As Muslims we are taught and we learn that when you need anything be it material or not, You pray! You pray to that one holy entity with complete humility and submission. That is the extent of our control and power.

There are times when our prayers appear to bear no fruit. Some of us, do not see any signs neither fulfilment of any sort. At this juncture one is forced to wonder if Allah is listening and if he is,then is he ignoring. A person questions, then, if they've been a bad person without realising this all their life. Unfortunately, the nature of this finite model of existence isn't benevolent enough to bestow upon us the benefit of enlightenment and therefore it is impossible to know Allah's plan.

So quite often we are told to think positively and all will end well. But who really knows? The statement to an extent is true but not necessarily as one would expect. One can spend their whole life with such a mindset and as such, if they truly believe this, their whole life may pass by with that positive disposition, until we arrive at our ultimate destination. So if one ended up spending their whole life with that positive thought or hope, would it really matter if they achieved anything or if Allah heard them, when they are ready to move on to the realms unknown? Not really, in fact it might even be a relief.

Wonder worthy, then, is this dual nature of Blind Faith. One could spend an eternity without a resolution or one could reject this concept completely and take it as it comes. Logically speaking, they could also choose a middle ground; hope for the best & prepare for the worst.