The Holy Kaleidoscope

Fri 24 September 2021 Tags thoughts views

The "Holy Kaleidoscope", so what is it? Most of us are well familiar with a kaleidoscope. Deliberately abstaining from any scientific prowess a layman's description would be a device that shows us different patterns of the same view or image.

The word "Holy" is trying to emphasise God given. It is the inert ability in each one of us to view or assess a situation differently. We can say different perspectives. This is something that I've thought about for a very very long time. We each hold our perspectives to our own. We can't and shouldn't expect anybody else to hold the same views.

Consider this you are standing at a corner enjoying your favourite beverage and having a c hat with a friend. Within a short while a person bumps into you splashing that drink everywhere, ruining your clothes, wasting your drink etc. You hold the perspective that it was deliberate, the person was rude and was probably playing a prank. Your friend, on the other hand, thinks it was genuine mistake. The person tripped or something of the sort. I could probably draw numerous other views and that is mainly because I have been fascinated by this aspect of life for an age.

The Holiness of this natural ability to assess a situation differently or the different interpretation of events or words is also responsible for categorising one as an optimist, pessimist etc. That is, should you wish to be categorised.

The Muslim support system is exceptionally reliant on this holy kaleidoscope. Whenever something bad happens there is always some one there to say "Well it appears horrible but had that not happened and even worse calamity would've befallen you.". There is sometimes truth to it. And when your acquaintance doesn't know what could be worse there is always the "Allah knows best." Which may very well be true. The point is, because people understand this idea of various perspectives there is always something worse that can happen to us.

God has given us the tool but it is up to us which facet of the kaleidoscope will we focus on. Given human nature, it is not lost on me, that simply accepting a positive outlook is easier said than done. Not all negative thoughts are born equal. Some are stronger than others and slipping on those slippery slopes is sometimes unavoidable. But what I am trying to emphasise that the choice is ultimately ours and where ever possible we should try to navigate positively.

Finally, just to make one's life simpler, one should realise that there is no such thing as a misunderstanding. A misunderstanding is just another pattern of the kaleidoscope. Misunderstanding the moment? Sure! But there is no such thing as a universal misunderstanding. Surely the world can be a much nicer place if we start entertaining each others perspectives.
