Heart that weeps a River

Sun 21 November 2021 Tags life love thoughts poem

An aching heart that used to be chipper,

Scares and close calls, less a shiver.

Patter of feet, once more heard,

Remind of what is important and calm all jitter.

An unexpected turn, a swerve off the line,

Proclamations claiming all will be fine.

What follows next, nobody really knows.

Hope on one table we all once again dine.

A chase ensued for a tickle,

Such would've continued if it hadn't been for this pickle

Oh how I miss this seemingly simple act

Endless joy and constant wiggle,

Now reduced to a teary trickle.

An uncertain future marks a quiver,

The harm dealt leaves the taste bitter.

Take refuge in memories and endless prayers

Hope Allah will justice deliver;

Hope to calm this heart that weeps a river.
